Shelter Final Cover 03092019Seven of us got together and wrote a book. Now, you wouldn’t think that seven people could write a book together and have it be cohesive and… well… anything but chaotic. And that would be true if it were any other seven people.

We’re very different from each other, and the reasons we went tiny were different (and yet so similar) and so when each person wrote their chapter – they brought a lot of individuality to the project.

But something cool happened. Common themes emerged. Common lessons were learned. And over and over again I see how minimizing the mundane things of life made space for something very special: Missional living.

I hate how churchy that sounds, nevertheless… “missional” living isn’t about being an evangelist for a religion in this case – it’s living the mission you were born to live.

manuscriptAnd in every single case – our interactions with living simply made space for us to focus not on what culture demands – but on the priorities that we hold most dear. Every single one of us have seen our lives change in dramatic ways through this process of becoming more intentional. Thing is – life is LOUD! And embracing simplicity requires QUIET. And that doesn’t happen by accident – you actually have to turn off the noise.

And somehow each of these folks found ways of doing that, and so can you! We’d all say without hesitation that we can recommend this life to you. None of us have gone on to great fame and financial world domination, but that wasn’t exactly the point now was it?! If you want that “6 figures in 6 months” kind of message – that is NOT what we’re offering. And believe it or not, this book is NOT seven letters to twist your arm to sell everything you enjoy and move into some weird little shack somewhere. Nope.

If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by all you own… If you long for simplicity but don’t know where to start… this book will help. Not in a preachy “DO THIS NOW” sort of way… but in a “here’s how I did it, and this was the result” sort of way. Which is much more fun anyway. No, it’s not really a self-help book – it’s more of a book of inspiration. In fact, I think it’s pure gold. These people and their stories mean the world to me, and I think the world needs this message. If we really understood that we could conform less, and feel more contentment… that would be a good thing!

Follow this link to the Kickstarter page: (…/shelter-seven-letters-from-th…)

Choose a pledge level and help us get this book out there in the world. This matters.

No, you aren’t signing some invisible document stating that you’re going to sell everything you own and move in with Emerson or Thoreau. NOPE.

You’re just helping us help you to live with more simplicity and intention – which leads to contentment.

Four days left, so don’t dilly dally and miss out. Make your pledge today!

And thanks! Each of us appreciate your contribution very much!

the big one


Andrew Odom  Brynn Burger  Carmen Shenk  Chris Schapdick

Jenn Baxter  Michael Fuhrer  Dan & Rachel Messick


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